Embodying Embryology: Accessing Our Early Potential

In this 3-part seminar series, we will learn about accessing universal forces that form us in the womb, and continue to affect our formation throughout life. We will also explore the effects of conditional forces in our personal histories that affect development. We will consider potentially overwhelming or traumatic influences in the womb and how they can also affect us for life. We will learn to shift focus from traumatic history to the ongoing potential available to us, returning to the possibility of re-forming ourselves in alignment with our original embryological intentions.

  • Discover your original embryological potential and how to draw on it now!
  • Learn about and melt under early challenges that may be keeping you from your potential!
  • Slow down, dissolve old patterns and deepen into your potential through guided experiential explorations.

Includes interactive Question/Answer/Discussion, access to recording after the class, and PDF notes.

Register to listen to my interview on Infinite Waves of Health Virtual Summit to receive your discount code! 
Total Cost: $36.00
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Total Cost: $36.00
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